Toe Pain

Toe pain can be caused by a variety of issues and tends to be a particularly distracting area for pain since the toes are always rubbing against the narrow toebox of our sneakers. Any toe problems can be a result of poorly chosen and narrow fitting shoes, but there are several medical problems that can cause problems for your feet independent of choosing proper footwear. All symptoms should always be evaluated with a thorough consultation and examination by your podiatrist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan to exclude any underlying serious condition.
Types of Toe Pain

Toe pain comes in many varieties. There’s itchy bothersome pain, burning pain, sharp pain, and dull pain. Each type may point to a different medical condition. That’s because your toes are composed of bone, muscle, tendon, nerves, and arteries. You can break a bone resulting in acute pain, or have a callus on a pressure point which can sometimes be just as painful.
Your toes, the balls of your feet, the arch, and your heels take a beating with each step. Your toes are often squeezed into narrow shoes and can be easily fractured if you stub your toe. The earlier you get treatment for your toe pain from your NYC foot doctor, the better your chances of a quick, successful recovery. Toe pain can be debilitating and keep you from living a healthy, active life, so make an appointment today to get your life back on track.
Toe pain should always be evaluated with a thorough consultation and examination by a podiatrist in Manhattan for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan to exclude any underlying serious condition.
Most of the following conditions still require the attention of your NYC foot doctor, but not all require immediate help. Some conditions aren’t painful at all but still require medical treatment. If you’re not sure what’s causing your pain or discomfort, make an appointment with the best Midtown podiatrist to get the answers and the treatment you need.
Athletes Foot
Athlete’s foot is a contagious fungal infection that affects the skin of your feet and typically begins between your toes. You catch it by going barefoot in a public place like a locker room or shower. The infection usually begins between your toes, but it can spread to your toenails or even hands. This condition causes painful itching. Contact our podiatrist in midtown NYC when you experience severe itching, especially if you have a weakened immune system.
Plantar Warts
Plantar Warts come from an ordinary viral infection that appears on the underside of your foot. It’s the location, not warts themselves, that makes it painful. Like athlete’s foot, warts can be caught in locket rooms and public showers. Foot doctors in NYC have noted that around 10 percent of teenagers suffer from them. Generally, simple treatments are sufficient, although if they resist, a midtown podiatrist may recommend laser treatment for the wart.
Bunions are the bumps that form on the inside of the base of your big toe. The big toe pushes towards the second toe, increasing the size and discomfort of the bunion. The skin on the bunion often appears red and sore. Wearing tight-fitting or overly narrow shoes are often blamed, but podiatrists understand that foot stress or genetic conditions can also be causes. As a result, you have to answer an extensive set of questions and a thorough evaluation to arrive at a diagnosis. Your NYC bunion removal specialist offers a variety of the newest options to treat bunions. At Manhattan Foot Specialists, the newest bunion surgery is only performed when conservative, non-surgical solutions don’t alleviate your pain.
Corns and Calluses
Corns and Calluses, while everyday activities can put enormous pressure on your feet, NYC foot doctors know that it’s often faulty biomechanics of the foot that leads to painful corns and calluses. Hammer toes and pressure points caused by deformities can cause tender corns and calluses. A midtown podiatrist can easily spot corns, as they generally have a small red spot in the center surrounded by yellowish dead skin.
Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails Ingrown nails can happen when your toenails are cut too short, especially on the sides of your big toes. This is a common occurrence that is typically successfully treated without the need for surgery. While it can be painful, there are several techniques that your podiatrist in New York City can perform right in the office to correct this condition.
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Arthritis often plagues your big toe because it’s the toe that does the most work. Arthritis of the foot is only second to bunions as the most common ailment of the big toe. Typically appearing in people between the ages of 30 and 60, arthritis occurs more frequently in women of all age groups. While there’s no cure for arthritis, your midtown Manhattan podiatrist can ease your symptoms.
Morton’s Neuroma
Neuromas are small, non-cancerous nerve tumors that form on or near your toes. Perhaps because of high heel use, women tend to get this condition eight to 10 times more often than men. These classically cause burning pain in the forefoot.
Toe Spurs
Toe spurs are growths on the bone on or near your toes. They can be caused by an injury or from repetitive use over time. These bone spurs put pressure on the surrounding tissues, ligaments, and skin, which causes pain. Your New York City foot doctor can perform minimally invasive surgery to shave down the bone spur and relieve your pain.
Hammer Toes
Hammer toes are deformities where the toes are bent downward. This is caused by tendons overpowering each other, causing an imbalance of power and a bent toe. While there are non-surgical treatments, you can have surgery to correct the condition and relax the toes. A highly experienced hammertoe surgeon is ready and able to change your life for the better by resolving your hammertoe problems.
Bone Fractures
Bone fractures are more common in your toes, especially in the fifth toe, which is easily stubbed due to its location. A broken toe bone can cause considerable pain, but a podiatrist in Manhattan will determine if it just needs time and rest to heal or if it is out of place and in need of surgery. Stress fractures are common in the forefoot. They are tiny cracks in the bones and often occur in athletes and runners who have recently increased their training load.
Gout is a painful condition often causing your big toe joint to become red, hot, swollen, and painful. Gout is caused by foods high in purines — like alcohol, red meat, and seafood. While it can affect any joint in the body, it is most commonly associated with the big toe. Sudden and intense pain, heat, throbbing, and swelling are all common symptoms. If diagnosed early, gout usually can be effectively treated with medications. If not treated properly, over time, gout will cause joint damage.
Do you have any questions about Toe Pain treatment in NYC? Would you like to schedule an appointment with an internationally recognized, top NYC Podiatrist and foot doctor at Podiatry in New York? Please contact our office for a consultation.
Dr. Mohammad Rimawi has either authored or reviewed and approved this content. New York City Locations Manhattan Foot Specialists (Upper East Side) 983 Park Ave Ste 1D, New York 10028Manhattan Foot Specialists (Midtown) 56 W 45th St, Ste 802, New York 10036
Manhattan Foot Specialists (Union Square) 55 W 17th St Ste 102, New York 10011
Manhattan Foot Specialists (Financial District) 80 Maiden Lane, Ste 1204, New York 10038